Here is the Signature Analysis of Dr. Harsh Vardhan. In his signature there is the resemblance of stethoscope, just imagine the first point the letter “H” forms as Ear Tube, second point is the starting stroke of letter “A” which connect the letter “H” and forms as Tubing, and a round “A” letter forms as “Head”. If a person’s signature has any resemblance of any image, which links to his profession or in which post he holds, then that person will be recognised for his work achievements by the people or get the awards in a very short period of time. In 1994 a successful implementation of the pilot project of the pulse polio programmes in Delhi and then in 1995 this programme was launched nationwide in India. He had received the Director- General’s Polio Eradication Campion Award Commendation Medal by W.H.O in 1998.