Amitabh Bachchan’s Signature Analysis, let’s start with first letter “A” in Amitabh it is written in a round curve, which shows he doesn’t have ego. If someone has letter “A” in their signature and they write it in a round curve “A” then their dialogues are sweeter then the honey, for example Mr. Amitabha Bachchan’s ad on polio “Do Boond Zindagi Ki”. I hope over Indian government will use him and make some creative ads on Indian farmers and Indian soldiers, something like jai jawan jai kisan. The second point is the missing “A” bar and sometimes the “I” dot, which shows he doesn’t grab any detail information about something which he has to concentrate on it. Finally on the dots below the signature show subconsciously the person wants to be in focus and do anything which he doesn’t belong to do such type of thing just to be in focus. My dear Amitabha Bachchan g you are the role model of many people, they are applying this dots in their signature and doing thing which they doesn’t belong to do. So please avoid those dots in the bottom of the signature. If you like my articles please share it.