Here is the signature analysis of Indira Gandhi the
former Prime Minister of India, she was the only female Prime Minister of India
till now, and she was the only child of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first
Prime Minister of India. The signature has three bad points. The first bad
point in her signature is the capital letter “G” of Gandhi is covering the letter
“I” in indira. There is a famous line in Hindi language, it go like this “Ek Teer
Se Do Nishan” in English One arrow two targets. I want to explain one famous
incident. On her son Rajiv Gandhi’s Marriage day and she not invited her Aunt
Vijaylakshmi Pandit. When Indira Gandhi was child her Aunt Vijaylakshmi had
called her stupid and ugly. On 25-2-1968 two targets complete one is her son
Rajiv’s marriage and the second is to insult her Aunt Vijaylakshmi by not
inviting her. This happens when she was Prime Minister of India. Just imagine a
Prime Minister of India had insult her Aunt. The second
point in her signature is the capital letter “G” of Gandhi which is written in
the symbol of "wrong" or "X" and it is big too. This symbol of "X" had made her the “first
Ex Prime Minister of India” alive at that time, and a wrong symbol in family
name. This wrong symbol made her family life disturbed example she left her
husband, and her son Sanjay Gandhi had died in an air crash. The third bad
point is the starting letter “I” in Indira is written as numerical number "1"by
which she feel lonely many times in her life example at the time of her father’s
death she was house less, no husband and another example after the death of Indira
Gandhi, the postmortem examination was conducted and the doctors stated that as
many as 30 bullets struck Indira Gandhi, from two sources, a sten gun, and a revolver.
Just imagine 30 bullets have to take life of 20 people’s at least, but here
only one person die, just because of the numerical number "1".So anyone who has
this bad points in signature just avoid it.If you
like my articles please share it.
Here is the signature analysis of Diana, princess of
Wales. The beauty queen of that royal family, look at the image number one, you
will not get that much of beautiful bride image from that Buckingham balcony ever
again. I can explain it why, know look at the second image. The signature style
of Diana, has one bad point. Which is the full stop at the end of her name, which indicates a STOP? Stop to the legacy of beautiful bride for that royal family.
If anyone’s signature ends with a full stop then there is a big end for his
legacy in their family,which he was famous, or known for. For example: the most
beautiful women, a Person who has mass followers, or a high government job
person in their family. It will end from him in his family. So do not put any full
stop at the end of your signature. If you like my articles please share it.